Corydoras Swimming From Side To Side


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
I've seen many posts about cory fish swimming up and down non stop...but not swimming from side to side for hours on end.
some basic info;

5 gallon tank with 2 platies and 2 corydoras.
smooth gravel base with medium planting.
10 gallon power filter.
water heated to 74 f.
regular 20% water changes with clorine remover added.
all water test are ZERO. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates (tested weekly) water hardness normal
medium lighting
located in relatively quiet area
Platies are acting noemally

Please help!

I really recommend at least 4 so they feel more comfortable, can they see their reflectiong and they are trying to get closer to them thinking they are fish?
I really recommend at least 4 so they feel more comfortable, can they see their reflectiong and they are trying to get closer to them thinking they are fish?

Sure, but 6 fish in that size tank will overload the system. I'm even thinking 4 is too many.
I don't know about the reflection thing. They eat normally (when they stop for a couple of minutes).
I also add 1/4 tsp salt to every gallon of water when I do water change. Are they maybe sensitive to the salt? It seems like such a small quantity.

Yes corys are sensitive to salt. They dont take it very well. But i dont see how their behaviour could be linked to the salt. Other ppl maybe be able to help further.
I assume you are only adding replacement salt to the replaced water. I probably would use less salt. What is the reasoning for the salt?

5 usg is very small. What are the size of the Cories? A five usg is almost square, so they may just be swimming. I mean they know length, but front to back vs side to side? :/

They do like to scoot around. 5 usg doesn't give them much room. Mine all do dashes across the tank.
I'd get a 15US gallon if you can as that 5 really is too small for them and then you could get 4 more of them to help relax the little guys :good:
I second that, but make it a 20 gallon! :lol: The 5 would make a very nice home for a Betta pretty boy. :rolleyes:
Salt was recommended by the local aquarium store for the platies. I've read much on the internet that states everything from "it's good for the fish and keeps disease down to it's completely useless". Also that cory's don't mind the salt......and that salt drives them crazy. I don't know anymore. Seems like every opinion is different.

the question about salt is yes. I'm only replacing salt with the water changes, not adding and adding to deadly concentration.

The aquarium inhabitants were also recommended by the local aquarium shop ( :-( ). I guess 2 platies in this 5gal are enough?
I have a 25 gallon that could take the two coreys. there are 3 others of the same genus is that tank already and they seem perfectly happy.

Marc (aka: pretty boy ; - )
Ok, pretty boy, we have a nice 10 gallon for you. :lol:

Salt is one of the greatly debated and unending causes of yelling in the hobby. I have Bettas, and they are benefited from some salt. They are so inbred that they are easily subject to some maladies that the salt helps with, imo.

In my experience a little salt does no harm, to the cories, but the therapuetic dose of 1 tsp per 2.5 usg, which a Betta would be very comfortable with, would probably be too high. It is often told that Cories get the salt in their system and cannot eliminate it. The truth of this I can not verify, as I have heard so many contradicting opinions. There is no doubt that salt in concentration kills bacteria (i.e. salt pork), and it helps with fungal infections, some parasites, and with gill function, imo. I would treat Cories with salt and have to their benefit, but I would not usually keep salt continually in a tank with Cories.

A Cory in a high concentration of salt will be very uncomfortable and may keel over and expire. I have seen this when treating for fungus and also revived them. So they are sensitive to salt at least at certain concentrations.

So are your Cories just dashing to and fro w/o appearing unhappy or distressed? They may just be swimming in the available space. Cories will dash around also when startled, such as when you walk up on them unexpectedly. They will be quite frantic.

I don't see the kind of Cory? Some pandas or pygmies would do in a five usg, but bronze cories will out grow it, esp with any other fish in.

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