Corydoras Stuck In Juwel Internal Filter?!

Ah.....glad to hear he's safe
I've had fish since last Saturday in a juwel vision 180. Bought second hand and had to remove the filter as it was the wrong end for us. Siliconed it on and hubby couldn't stand the noise, so we've left it free, just pushed against the glass, coarse sand substrate in the gap below and a rock pushed up against it. One Cory got in, the gaps in the 'lid' for the wires are huge! So we've siliconed a couple more pieces of plastic to the lid, just leaving slits for the wires. While we waited for that to dry, I put tights over it.
A praecox got between the side glass and the filter, facing forwards, so goodness knows what she'd done! And today lost a male, opened the filter and lifted the basket and out he swam. The tights had popped off the corner.
Modified lid now fitted with a stone sat on top. It doesn't even snap into place, just sits there I'm going to put a rock under it too and then fill the gap with sand so the top is slightly out of the water.
No fishes lost so far, but it's a bit of a 'mare

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