You can sex Sterbai by the shape of the fish just like many other Corys. Among sexually matured or near adults show females have wider, taller and bigger than maleswhich is slimmer, shorter in height and smaller.
Also the females suppose to have more round fan shaped pictal or vental(?) fins and males have more pointed fins. The fins on the bottom of the fish and females use to hold the egg(s).
Also some say breeding conditioned males tend to have more vivid color which I am not sure.
I think that is about it. When the fish is young, it is really tough to tell. So if you looking for pair or both sex, you should buy 4 or more to increase your probability when you buy young.
I bought 6 when they were young and got 3 females and 2 males. 1 unfotunately passed away.
And I am start to getting eggs from them.
well i had 4, 2 passed away and they were all the same size. one of them (i think male) is half the size of the Possible female. and she has a real round stomach but the possile male is like flat. when you s vivid, do you mean less coloured because this is what the smaller one is.
o and the smaller one is 2" nd the bigger one is about 3"
Don't know about the temp to be honest, not tried to breed my sterbai yet
though my peppereds and bronze have all bread in tanks with just sand, java moss and a PVC pipe. Also not sure if your discus will eat the egss. Best to ask NeonCory or Sp00ky