Corydoras paleatus with betta male


New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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i intend to buy some Corydoras paleatus to put in my aqurium with a male betta (crowntail betta) and i do not have an air pump ... does Corydoras paleatus need air pump ???
Hi skulls :)

I would not suggest keeping any corys in an unfiltered tank so if not having an air pump means that there will be no filtration, please do not get them. :no:

Also, what is the size of your tank? C. paleatus is one of the larger corys; they get up to 4" long. Like all corys they are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3 or more. Is your tank large enough to accommodate them? If not, there are other smaller corys that might be a better choice for you.
i have no filter but my aquarium is large enough bout 30 gallons. which corys better suit my requirement ?
yeah ,i need to buy one soon :D so wat kind of fish companion can i put with my male betta ??? i want to get some albino catfish ??? any advice :blink:
i would just stick with cories. but before you put anyhting in the tank, you need a filter.
Hi skulls :)

Please do not keep corys and a betta in an unfiltered tank unless you are prepared to do BIG water changes and bottom cleanings EVERY DAY. :no:

Both cory cats and bettas are highly prone to getting finrot, which is a bacterial infection. If that water in the tank is unfiltered and not circulating, it will rapidly become stagnant. This is a condition that allows the bacteria that caused these diseases to thrive.

Please get your pump going and make sure that your tank is cycled before adding corys. :D

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