Corydoras Metae Water Parameters


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
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I have just checked my water parameters for my Corydoras Metae. All have been stable until now.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
pH 6
The pH is the one that concerns me. Orignally it was at 7. They live in a well planted aquarium. The fish themselves seem happy and are swimming actively and showing no signs of stress. They are normally shy fish and still seem normal with no visible signs of stress. However I have just read that the pH is at the lowest level they can cope with if not a little low. How can I raise it slightly? To approx 7. I dont like adding chemicals though.
Thanks in advance
My tanks pH is around 6 and my metae cories are fine.
Hi chazhirst :)

Corys can adapt to various levels of pH, and if Lynz781 keeps hers at 6, yours will probably adapt to it too.

I would be more concerned about what caused this change and how fast or slow it happened, and if it is still dropping. How long has this tank been set up? Has the pH of your tap water changed? Could something you might have added, perhaps as plant fertilizer, or for some other reason, have caused this?

If you determine what the cause is and decide to correct it, be sure to make the change back up very slowly to avoid shocking them.
Nothing in my tank has changed, I dont add fertiliser and plants are flourishing. The tank has been set up for almost 12 months and the pH has changed as far as i know over a month, which isn't that fast I know. I was wondering if I shuld try to raise it again but if Lynz781 keeps hers at that level then there shouldn't be a problem and I will keep a close eye on it.
They should be ok but I'm not saying they are happiest at that pH, funnily enough they don't talk to me :(
Hi chazhirst :)

If the change has been gradual enough that the fish have adapted to the lowered pH, and if it's not too extreme, it's probably best to leave it alone. Controlling it by chemical means is one of those things that usually turns out to be harder to do than it seems it should be.

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