Corydoras Julii


May 5, 2006
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Hi all

Just bought 6 corydoras julii - I think they are Julii and not trilineatus (spelling?) as I'm pretty sure they have spots rather than lines like the trili - but I will check later.

Anyway, they don't seem to be hanging out together at all! They are all off doing different things and seem to be swimming more in the middle to top area of my tank - not gasping at the surface or anything like that - I thought they were supposed to be mainly bottom dwellers?

Do you think it is just because they are fairly new? We only got them at the weekend so perhaps they are just settling in?
maybe they are just exploring their new surroundings for a bit. 6 is a very good number, and i dont think cories particularly keep together really tightly and follow each other everywhere, but just hang around each other loosely. Cories can be pretty active sometimes, youre doing nothing wrong, an theyre happy with the way they are, so thats all that matters.
Thanks Geo!

I'm a but of a worrier when it comes to my fisheys, and everything I read and all pics I saw were of cory's on the bottom all in a little group. They do seem happy enough and are all eating so I will just sit back and enjoy my active little cory crew! :good:
lol no problem. hey do you want to post some pics of these julii? maybe to get a second opinion on ID? because if they are genuine julii then thats pretty cool, maybe try and breed them?
Congrats Bex

Jullis and Trilleanus are gorgeous aren't they?!?! My cories swim in the middle and towards the top as well. Normally at the bottom, but they also seem to like getting your attention. My pandas do it just before spawning and my sterbai do it when they want feeding (they are all so different, I tell you).

Any luck finding the red whiptails yet??

Well, I had a close look at them last night and they're not 'true' Julii after all, they're the other ones! Thought they were a bit cheap after I read about them - 3 for £12! They still very cute though! Kinda glad in a way as I would have felt that I had to breed them and I'm not quite ready for baby fisheys just yet! lol

Will still post piccies once I get a camera sorted though cos they are cute little beggars!

AlexandCarmen: We have found some red whiptails in our LFS which I'm so pleased about. Only problem is that they are sooo tiny at the moment - only about 3cm! So we are gonna wait a while till they get a little bigger, they just look too delicate to take home yet. I don't think anyone is gonna buy them though as they are well hidden! They've been there a couple of weeks and we hadn't seen them so fingers crossed! :D
Also, them swimming around like is a sign that they are happy. Obviously with your lovely large group, you've kept them happy, because cories need big groups to feel safe and happy. Also, if they are youngsters still, they are a lot more active than adults. They are so excited all the time. We have 3 small pandas (from our pandas spawing, I had them growing in another tank till they were big enough to add to main tank) and they are so active, swimming around all the time. They also get their parents going, it's so adorable.

3cm Long. That must be so darn cute. I've seen pics of tiny whiptails, they look gorgeous. How many are you planning on getting? Our two are so active at the moment. I put frozen shrimp in there for my Queen Arabesques, and they red whiptails have a mini barney over the shrimp!! Not hurting each other, just making funny movements and trying to pull the shrimp away from each other. They are so comical. We were thinking of looking for another one, since both ours seem to be females.

Can't wait for your pics. :D
I'm pleased my corys are happy! They do look happy and I think they are quite young too - they are just under 1 inch. They are so cute - fast becoming my favs!

The little Red Whips are also adorable but they look like they could snap in half easily! They have quite a few, I think there's about 4 or 5. Is it easy to tell if they are male or female? We were thinking of getting 2 as LFS also has the most gorgous King Tiger pleco that we want, and we want another L200. How big were your red whips when you got them? These guys are so small they'd go awol in our big tank!
Evening Bex

One of the whiptails was 7.5 cm and the other 10 cm when we got them. They have grown a little bit since then.

I read on one of the sites that the males have a bit of hair on their heads, not a lot, but you can see it, and I don't see any on mine so far. Plus with their super fat bellies, I just assume female. Could be wrong, they might still grow a bit and might just be very well fed.

I must say, 3cm does sound a bit small. I can't imagine how adorable that is. I'd also wait till they got bigger.

Good luck and look forward to seeing your new plec when you get it too.

Carmen :D
I have 6 Corydoras Trilineatus and They do the exact same thing, Although at night it looks like they all group up near a clump of fake plants.

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