Corydoras Julii - Red Spot/Cut


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2009
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I don't seem to be having much luck with my new fish recently :( My female gourami recently wedged herself in my bogwood and was cut so bad she died, now at feeding time I spotted what looks like a red spot on the joint of one of the side fins of my cory.

It looks kind of raised like a spot, but could be a swollen cut. It doesnt seem to bother him/her at all and is busy scooting around and searching through the sand. Should I be worried? I tried to get some pictures but it is hard!

Should I leave it for a few days? Could it be an infection? FYI my tank has cycled and water stats are good (0ppm) and I am doing weekly 30% changes.



Ahh poor thing,looks has though it needs treating,you might be best posting in the emergency section and wilder & co will able to help you more :)

By the way your cory is a Trilineatus not a julli,still fab cories,i have loads of them :good:
OK, I have posted it in emergencies too. I just looked on google images and those 2 species of cories look pretty similar to me :) My LFS had them listed as Julii, but I am no expert ... lol
My lfs did the same to me,i think its pretty common mistake :rolleyes:

Julii have all dots/spots,none of them make a squiggly pattern,whereas the trilineatus have dots that join together making them a squiggly pattern, thats how i see them :lol:
I'm sure the cory experts would explain it better :)

They are very similar,but if you look at a proper julii you will see definate spots.
The trilineatus is also known has the false julii,leopard cory and three line cory :rolleyes:

Apparently true julii's are very difficult to get hold of.

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