Corydoras Duplicareus


Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
hi i was at the festival of fishkeeping and met the guy featured in pfk a while ago about him being a cory breader with over 60 species etc... we talked and he reccommended Corydoras duplicareus. i told him i have hard water GH 230ppm DH 13 degrees and he said they would be fine in hard water. then i looked on the internet but it says they prefer soft water? also he has a friend who breeds them who will sell me some if i want them so are they any good also are green lasers/ orange lasers any good in hard? also my ph is 7.8 nitrit and nitrate are at 0 and phospate is 5.0 + (crap tap water)

EDIT: the guys name was Ian Fuller ;)
Ian has been breeding well long enough to know the best about corys. I'd believe anything he says as he's not just there to make a buck from selling you fish but trying to help anyone take good care of their corys.
Hi Flame :)

Take Mr. Fuller's advice. :nod: You won't do better anywhere!

If you want, and can get, any of the lazer corys, I suggest you take advantage of the opportunity and get them while you can. They are in great demand and are often hard to find. :D
also whats the maximum number of cories i can have in a 200l tank (its 1m btw not a 4 footer). with a BN plec? i love my catfish but am not allowed more than one tank :( therefore i dont want a species tank with them would be a pair of keyholes, a pair of honey goruami and 3 platies and 7 harlequins.

i was told 12 cories would be fine but i want more i love the little fish :) also i will have sand and the tank is bow front
I had the pleasure of visiting Mr Fuller's fishouse and picking up some of those lasers from him. What an amazing set up and what an amazing man to have all of the information he clearly has to hand. :blink:

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