I found my Panda Corydora swimming erratically this morning. He keeps thrashing around, swimming sideways, upside down, etc. It is like he is having some sort of seizure? I put him in the breeder box with Bristlenose Pleco fry because I was afraid that the other fish might prey on him while he is weak. I tested the water and everything is fine, all other fish are fine. I have fed him a bit of crushed up pea in case it was swim bladder problems.
What do you think could be wrong with this little guy?
P.S. Other tank inhabitants are Pearl Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis, Congo Tetras, Bristlenose Plecos, various Corydoras and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids.
Edited: To fix the video.
What do you think could be wrong with this little guy?
P.S. Other tank inhabitants are Pearl Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis, Congo Tetras, Bristlenose Plecos, various Corydoras and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids.
Edited: To fix the video.