Corydora With Swimming Problem (Video)


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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I found my Panda Corydora swimming erratically this morning. He keeps thrashing around, swimming sideways, upside down, etc. It is like he is having some sort of seizure? I put him in the breeder box with Bristlenose Pleco fry because I was afraid that the other fish might prey on him while he is weak. I tested the water and everything is fine, all other fish are fine. I have fed him a bit of crushed up pea in case it was swim bladder problems.
What do you think could be wrong with this little guy?
P.S. Other tank inhabitants are Pearl Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis, Congo Tetras, Bristlenose Plecos, various Corydoras and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids.

Edited: To fix the video.
how much space does that guy have? what substrate is there? looks like he's trying to flick/itch .. parasites maybe??
Thanks to both of you for your replies! :)
He is in a 180 liter mature aquarium. The substrate is smooth large gauge gravel. He is in a largish group of 9 Cories (with him included). There are 3 Panda, 3 Julii, 2 Peppered and 1 Bronze (who was supposed to be Peppered but the fish shop messed up). I have had this particular group for about half a year now and everyone has been fine.
I have not added anything new to the aquarium and his diet usually consists of Catfish pellets (for Corydoras) and vegetables (peas, zucchini, cucumber, etc.). The other tank inhabitants are fed fish flake, algae flake, bloodworms and baby brine shrimp. Not all at once of course, it is varied day by day. It could be possible that he nipped at any of those foods though.
He was looking a little better yesterday afternoon, so I released him back into the main aquarium. The good news is that when I woke up this morning, he was right back to his old self. Now he is out and about, rooting around with his buddies like nothing ever happened. Maybe feeding him the pea really did help? I guess it was his swim bladder.
Whatever it was, I am just glad that the crisis seems to be over for the moment. I really thought he was a goner! Thanks again for trying to help. :#
strange my cory started doing this as well he fixed himself the next day
I know the problem has gone away, but it looks to me from the video that he was trying to rub himself against the box so maybe had some sort of itch or irritation.
Also, it's worth noting that Coryies like to root around in the substrate so if you have large gauge gravel they might not be able to effectively and therefore may not be happy.

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