corydora suitability


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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have peppered , bronze and albino corydora in mature set up . any risk if i add a wild caught adolfoi or sterbae -_-
i would issolate them for a while in a quarantine tank, to make sure they are not fetching anything nasty into the main tank, if they are wild caught.
yeah fair play , was going to quarantine anyway . am concerned whether farmed medium sized corys would bully small wild caught ones :drool:
I don't think so, but you never no with fish i'm afraid.

The only problem you might have is with the temperatures. C. sterbai usually require a higher temper than the ones you already have.

Many corys are still wild caught and that's why it's so hard to find many of the species. The peppered, bronze and albinos you have are usually tank raised these days, but sometimes they can be found wild caught too.

As far as mixing wild caught and tank raised fish, it's never a problem.

IMHO, if I have a choice, I prefer wild caught to tank raised corys, and buy them whenever I can. Sometimes these fish might have come down with bacterial infections due to poor conditions encountered during transport, but even so, once they have recovered, they will be fine. :D

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