Corydora Fungus?


Aug 16, 2012
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I looked at one of my Panda corys today, and noticed by his tail he has some kind of an injury that looked like it started internally.  On the side it looks like theres a white fuz growing as well, I just finished setting up a QT tank and about to put him in it for now.  I gave him a salt bath earlier but the injury just seems redder now.  Should I dose the QT tank with some salt and add some Pimafix/Melafix and do the occasional salt bath as well?
Here is a picture of him earlier
I would dose the meds but not salt. I beileve corys don't like it. Poor thing though, looks like a heater burn?
Cory's are very sensitive to salt. It burns their skin and longterm their internal organs don't like it.

I'd just use the meds, and you might have to underdose them also. I have no idea what it is that he's suffering from though.. :/
I know they dont like it much but I read a couple of places for what it might be, still no idea but looks like the start of cotten wool or something along those lines and they gave their cory salt baths and it worked.
Not sure about heater burn, the only fish that LOVED being by that heater 24/7 were the upsidedown catfish. but the other day I added my canister that has the inline heater so theres no heater in the tank at all anymore
Woke up this morning and his entire tail was prettty much gone, I had to leave for awhile but just checked now and he died

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