So far I've lost one of my Juhli's and now the other is laying on her side while attempting to right herself. I currently have her in a heated quarantine tank propped against a small plant so she can stay upright. I've noticed no physical marks on her EXCEPT that her top fins seem to be slightly shredded. None of my other cories are displaying these signs and after a water test I changed 50% of my water even though my readings came back safe.
The only recent change I've done other than adding a new piece of driftwood is that I did add some root tabs around the tank. I have them buried deep in the gravel and I don't think these would be the cause of the issue. I'm somewhat thinking my CAE is responsible for this but he has a sucker mouth so I don't see how he could tear fins. Of course my angelfish might be a culprit but they've never displayed any aggressive behavior, no even to each other now that their mature. Any thoughts here? I have a home ready for my CAE in the event I need to remove him but I'm not sure he's the culprit.
The only recent change I've done other than adding a new piece of driftwood is that I did add some root tabs around the tank. I have them buried deep in the gravel and I don't think these would be the cause of the issue. I'm somewhat thinking my CAE is responsible for this but he has a sucker mouth so I don't see how he could tear fins. Of course my angelfish might be a culprit but they've never displayed any aggressive behavior, no even to each other now that their mature. Any thoughts here? I have a home ready for my CAE in the event I need to remove him but I'm not sure he's the culprit.