Corydora Breeding Information


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2011
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I have been trying to mate my corys for a while now and i haven't had any luck. I have read that doing cold water changes helps. I do my 20 percent water changes with cold water. I also feed them properly. My water parameters are also perfect. My cories are in perfect health and they are always happy, but they don't mate :/ i know that i have males and females because some of them are more plump and a little larger and their dorsal fin is round shaped while males are skinny with a pointy dorsal fin. Any tips to mating them?
Firstly have a read of this very useful info. :good:

I assume you have bronze corys going by the pic :) - conditioning them is also a good start . defrosted bloodworm along with cold water changes and a good diet will normally trigger them off.

how old are they? what temp is your tank? and what other fish do you have?
I have three platies and one fry platy that is about less than an inch long but doing well, so that makes 4 platies. My temp is 78F(i have a ht10 heater so its automatic) they have been in my tank for about 7 months now and they have been doing just fine. They are about less than one year old since i got them small from the pet store. Their diet also has bloodworms, wafers and flakes.
Has previously mentioned, start conditioning them with bloodworm do daily cold waterchanges...

If they're just reaching a year old, they may start breeding soon, you have to be patient,they wont necesarily breed at a drop of a hat, cold water changes & a good diet will spur them on,but they have to want to breed in the first place...

Your temperature is too high really, do larger cold waterchanges to reduce to temperature of the water may help...

Good luck :)
OK, i'm going to make colder water changes daily now to get best results. Their diet is good enough, so i will keep feeding them wafers and bloodworms and do cold water changes every day and see what happens from there. Hopefully i'll have a few eggs :)
sadly my female cory has been injured
hopefully she will live

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