Corydora Acting Agressive


New Member
Sep 1, 2020
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Suwanee GA & NYC
I just added 3 new panda corys in my 29g planted to get the overall school size up to 6. They're also living with a clown pleco and 8 lambchop rasboras (7 adults and 1 fry who appeared last weekend). I just walked by my tank and noticed a lot of activity in the middle and upper parts of the tank and had to do a double-take because it wasn't two rasboras chasing each other as I had thought. One of my corys was chasing the rasbora all over the place. Is this normal behavior?
Sometimes my paleatus cories get curious over other tankmates and give them an overly friendly nibble, which spazzes the other fish out, but then the cory chases after them like they weren't done sniffing them.

Cories have no sense of personal space and that can bother some other fish lol
Sometimes my paleatus cories get curious over other tankmates and give them an overly friendly nibble, which spazzes the other fish out, but then the cory chases after them like they weren't done sniffing them.

Cories have no sense of personal space and that can bother some other fish lol
The more I get to know cories, the more I'm convinced they're the labradors of the fish world. Eat anything, no sense of personal space, big old goofballs that everyone loves.
Fish do the funniest things, are they still chasing each other, or did you just catch a fish moment.
I only saw to isolated chases, so it might have been a "fish moment". I will monitor for the next couple days and report back if it's a recurring pattern. I think the 3 new cories may also still be getting used to the tank, I've noticed a lot of glass surfing, so that might also be contributing to it.
The more I get to know cories, the more I'm convinced they're the labradors of the fish world. Eat anything, no sense of personal space, big old goofballs that everyone loves.
Lol! There may be some truth to that. I saw one of my cories eating duckweed that was stuck to the pre-filter sponge on one of my filters!

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