

Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2003
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Ok I have had bettas with popeye recently. I just got done treating and put them back in the tank and now my fave cory has what looks like it now! Did he catch it from my bettas? or did his eye get injured and is just puffed out? I think its popeye tho. What should I treat him with? Same stuff I used on my bettas? I never heard of it in corys before so I want to make sure! Please advise quickly so I can treat him!!!!! (Its "No Mouth" for those of you who have seen my webpage!) :-(
Hey Mary

Thanks for replyin (your the ONLY one and thats a little dissapointing to me from this forum) :( I actually have been treating with Maracyn 2 for the last 3 days going from advice from the guy at my LFS. And treating the whole tank. However, since starting treatment my betta's popeye has flared back up again! Is there anything else I can do? Or what is going on? Thanx again! :thumbs:
hi julie,only just read this the sites been down for a while,i'm afraid i have little exp. of popeye but read up on it in my book for you.this may help.briefly, can be caused by,eye fluke , bacterial infection,fungus or viral infection,or water have obviously already treated him with a medication and i presume you have checked your water[ammonia ,nitrites and nitrates] it does say however,that even if these are within acceptable parameters for the species, it is worth performing a partial warter change each day for 2 to 3 days,as this will often effect a cure ,although it may take a week for the swellingto subside completely. so it seems that it may be worth trying. i had a gourami with a cloudy slightly raised eye, i thought that was the start of something[could have been popeye]i checked water and the tests were 0,0,20, so ok ,so did the water change bit,it worked .but whatever was wrong with him was in the early stages and he got back to full health. sorry not have been more help :) pebbles,

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