Cory With Fungus

discus dreamer

Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
North West UK
One of my corys has a patch of what I think is a fungus on its side small white patch standing out slightly. I have been adding melafix to the tank for two days and the area seems a bit smaller. Should i continue this for the 7 days it says or try a salt bath for just this one fish? It is in with 4 other cory sterbia, one siamese fighting fish and 2 glass catfish (the catfish are waiting to move to a big tank after quaranteen but i guess I should give them a lot longer now that this has happened).
Thanks for your help
Hm, I think you should carry on with the medicine for the next 7 days, since I don’t think salt and corries mix very well.

Good luck with getting rid of the fungus.
Yes, Corys don't like salt. If it is fungus then Melafix won't be doing much good. Perhaps you should try Pimafix as well - they are designed to be used together.
All fish that live in freshwater dont like salt! There is another topic in here and very experienced ppl with corys say to use salt. I would use salt as a last resort.
Cories will tolerate a salt dip. I don't remember the ratio off hand. I used it once to save a peppered cory under close instructions from Inchworm. I would get her help, even pm her if necessary. Salt is very effective against fungus, and the mix of Pima/MelaFix and salt is useful.

A cory in a salt dip must be watched closely for any distress.

But a diagnosis is the first step.

Betta do not tolerate Pima/MelaFix well. They are easily overdosed and will get sick.
thanks for this
I did stop dosing with melafix because my betta now has a bloated stomach and I worried that it might have something to do with it. Have fed it some peas most of which the corys ate. Will do a water change and switch to an antifungal med just for the cory.

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