Cory With Fry?


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
My cory has fin rot, and is going to have a second dose of the medicine tomorrow. Now, should i keep him in the main tank (lights are out most of the time at the moment), or could i put him in with the molly fry? He's not eating, so im not sure he'd be a threat to them. But i wondered if the medicine would have a negative effect on the fry? I noticed yesterday that his back fin has been nipped, so i want to protect him from any further attacks :crazy:
You shouldnt really need medication unless it's actually proper full blown fin rot. Most fish recover with just clean water, do you have a picture of the cory?
You shouldnt really need medication unless it's actually proper full blown fin rot. Most fish recover with just clean water, do you have a picture of the cory?

this was him last week when i started dosing him



and yesterday - he has tiny red veins running down his sides now, his back fin has been nipped (the bottom part) and hes almost lost 2 fins underneath. the top fin also has a white streak appearing on the edge :crazy:

That REALLY doesn't look like something you should be treating as fin rot. That looks like a bacterial infection, what are you currently treating with?
oh :crazy: i did post pics a week ago, and was advised to treat it as fin rot :blink:

im using interpet no 8 fin rot/fungus treatment
Can you point to where you were advised to treat as fin rot? I'd like to read the thread before I go and advise against it. :)

But I personally would have been treating for a bacterial infection.
Can you point to where you were advised to treat as fin rot? I'd like to read the thread before I go and advise against it. :)

But I personally would have been treating for a bacterial infection.

I'll try ;)

I cant find it, i prob posted on another forum :blink: I did look up the symptoms somewhere and it all pointed to fin rot though :unsure:

So i guess this could be why he seems to getting worse rather than better, coz its not actually fin rot?? My posts on here about it, asking if it was finrot, were unanswered :(

What do i need to treat him with then? I'll go and get it as soon as the other half is back from work. (and would i be able to put him in the fry tank with the meds?)
You want to treat it with a bacterial med... Interpet anti internal bacteria med seems the most fitting for the symptoms I'm seeing. But equally you might want to follow that with myaxin and pimafix depending on how it looked at the end of the interpet medication period.

If you can treat it seperately that would be best, I would avoid treating it with fry in the tank but whatever you need to do. Basic rule of thumb is avoid exposing fish to something they don't need.
thanks - i'll get that later then. i have 2 tanks - the 200l with the rest of my stick in my siggy, and the nursery 60l with about 40 molly fry. so which would be best?
Finrot is a bacterial infection and should be treated as such. In addition to, or instead of medication, be sure you make the environment as good for the fish, and as poor for the bacteria, as possible. This includes doing a big water change and bottom vacuuming. Be certain that the water is well oxygenated, adding an airstone if necessary. Keep the tank at a temperature of 75 F or lower.

The pebbles you are using as substrate may be at fault for causing the problem. Uneaten food can sink down and become caught between the bits. This can provide breeding places and food for harmful bacteria.
Finrot is a bacterial infection and should be treated as such. In addition to, or instead of medication, be sure you make the environment as good for the fish, and as poor for the bacteria, as possible. This includes doing a big water change and bottom vacuuming. Be certain that the water is well oxygenated, adding an airstone if necessary. Keep the tank at a temperature of 75 F or lower.

The pebbles you are using as substrate may be at fault for causing the problem. Uneaten food can sink down and become caught between the bits. This can provide breeding places and food for harmful bacteria.

Alright... I should've been more specific. The bloody veiny ness below the 'skin' surface implies an internal bacteria infection. Having seen the pictures I would never ever have diagnosed finrot.
ok thanks - at least i know now, and can treat it. Hopefully im not too late :sad:

I do a 50-60% water change every weekend, and more if necessary. At the same time i thoroughly syphon the gravel so all the bits of stuff go (its attached to a hose and goes out very slowly so i have lots of time to do a thorough job). Its very well oxygenated, and the temp is always within a degree of 76 anwyay, so i'll drop it a little now.

I'll do another syphon before giving the meds later, just to be sure.

Thanks for all your advice, i appreciate it :D

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