Hi nino
It sounds like you have a female and two males there.

If they are mature, there is a good chance they will spawn for you.
The thing you need to think about is whether or not you want to raise a batch of fry. If so, it would be necessary to get them into a breeding tank so the eggs will be safe from the other fish. Cory fry are tiny and have to be raised by themselves if you want them to survive.
All things considered, if you are of a mind to try raising fry from an egg laying fish, albino corys are good fish to start out with because, even as tiny as their fry are, they are bigger than the fry from many other egg layers.
You don't have to be in a very big hurry to decide this. Once you see eggs on the glass, they will usually spawn again soon afterward. If they are young, their first spawn could be small too. You will have time to think about things and if you do want to try it, I'll be happy to help you.