Cory -v- plec


Sep 5, 2004
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Hey, quick question.

I want an L18 Golden Nugget plec, but while my quarantine tank was cycling my shop sold out :(

They reckon it's going to be a while before they get any more in, so in the meantime I was thinking about getting some corys. I want the plec more than the corys though.

So, question: Any problems with having a couple of corys and a single gold nugget in the same tank? Other than making sure they have enough food, that is... Tank is 27 gallon.

Oh, another question while I think of it... Can I get any angels in a 36" x 15" x 12" (15" high)?
I'm affriad a golden bugget might grow a bit on the large size for your tank, they get to a nice 8inch kind of size. although you would probable have quite a bit of time to get a another tank ready.

getting cories will take up your stocking space very quickly as you need groups and some will get up to 4inch.

angels should be fine in that size depending on what you already have.
I would not put a gold nugget in that size of tank (although there are 3 kinds and one is significantly smaller), nor the angels in fact. Angels need at least 18" high and 3" is a fair bit taking substrate into consideration as well. Not only that but they are fairly big, semi-aggressive fish and I don't think I would put them in a tank that small even if it was high enough. That's just my opinion though.

Cories would be fine, just be sure to get 3 plus. Although I would not get them if you don't really want them, maybe think about a smaller plec.

Hrm, I was told that the true L18's only get to 6 inches or so, it's the L180's and the similar looking plecs that get to 8", 12" or more. I don't see that there'd be a problem with a nugget, the tank is 36" long and there's a lot of open swimming space, so I'll take your advice on board but respectfully disagree.
' Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 6" '


In our opinion, the tank should have a minimum of 5x adult fish body length (FL) as its long dimension

I'm also considering 1 or 2 true zebra L-46, but I prefer the look of the nugget.

Thanks for the advice on the corys. I might get a group of 3 small corys, I guess it depends what I find at the weekend! I am way understocked (especially when I give the juvenile platys away), so that's not an issue.

I'll pass on the angels then, was trying to decide between a betta and an angel, guess I'll go for the betta!

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