cory treats


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
Any ideas on nice treats for my boys? (5 peppered corys)

They get catfish pellets for everyday, they have had tropical flakes once or twice, but it made the tank a bit messy as we have no surface or middle fish in there as yet.

Bloodworm worked OK, once they had sussed that this is food.

Cucumber didn't do a thing for them.

I also have something called tropical mix (daphnia, bloodworm, tubifex all frozen together) which I'm going to try.

Any other ideas? Anything from my kitchen they might like?

I've mainly been used to livebearers before, so the corys' laid-back approach to food comes as something of a shock. What can I tempt them with? (They are actually eating, they seem perfectly healthy)
last i heard cory's are meat eaters so cucumber doesnt do it for them. i dont know mine like the sinking fish food for bottom feeders i have.
Mine enjoy eating Shrimp Pellets, Algae Wafers, Cucumber, and Brine Shrimp.
utahfish said:
last i heard cory's are meat eaters so cucumber doesnt do it for them. i dont know mine like the sinking fish food for bottom feeders i have.
Mine will eat it :dunno:
Thanks, I'll try shrimp, and maybe try the cucumber again later; perhaps they're like toddlers and need to make their minds up first if they're going to eat something. It's for occasional treats; they're fine with the pellets for everyday. :)
LoachLover said:
utahfish said:
last i heard cory's are meat eaters so cucumber doesnt do it for them. i dont know mine like the sinking fish food for bottom feeders i have.
Mine will eat it :dunno:
They eat both meat/high protein based foods and vegetable based foods, to keep them healthy you should feed them a bit of both just like people.
I feed mine algae wafers along with catfish pelets and freezedried shrimp :nod:
Anything from the allotment they might fancy? I've just been up and picked a nice load of spinach- would they be alright with that? (I've seen they do frozen spinach portions in the lfs- seems an expensive way of getting them their greens). How would they like it served? Finely chopped? Maybe lightly blanched?
I'm still basking in the glow from the livebearer's reaction to peas- it is so nice to have one's cooking appreciated! :D
When our own peas start growing, in a month or so, do you think pea moth larvae might make a nutritious addition to fish meals? For some reason, my children are not keen on it.

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