Cory, to medicate or not


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Hi, I have an adult Emerald Cory in a 10 gal heavily planted tank. Other tank mates are 7 neon tetras, 2 otos, 2 albino corys. No major changes in the last 6 months. Suddenly I have noticed a big sack full of pus on cory's dorsal fin. I thought at first it might be some kind of growth, but when I netted him out the sack broke and I realized that it's actually pus or some other liquid. No other simptoms of desease on him or his tank mates. What is it? I tried to isolate him, but he is very social and becomes very nervous when left alone in the hospital tank. What should I do?
Keep water quality in tip top condition, do you have any melafix add that to the tank, good luck.
Thanks for the reply. I had a very bad experience with Melafix and promised myself to never use it again...
You can't use salt on corys scaless fish.
Thanks, guys. Especially to the blue lobster for the good news that it's not lethal. Would be nice to know what's causing this condition and why it seems to occur on dark skinned corys (emerald or bronze)? Is it inbreeding leading to genetic disorders or is it environmental?
kykapeky said:
...Would be nice to know what's causing this condition and why it seems to occur on dark skinned corys (emerald or bronze)? Is it inbreeding leading to genetic disorders or is it environmental?
Hi kykapeky :)

We would all like to know what has caused that condition. :nod:

I would urge you not to come to any hasty conclusions, such as that it occurs on any particular color of corys, or to even think that it could be a genetic defect. In order for any of these things to have validity, they would have to be observed by many more people.

This is how unfounded rumors get started. :/

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