Fish Connoisseur
Some time back I posted some pics of 15 cories I got from BetterBetta. The tank is more presentable now, and I thought I'd share it. It has twenty-one cories and a temporary cockatoo resident. It is a 40 long.
The residents are 5 each of Virginae/Sangama, leucomelas, Pulcher Variant #3, and 6 bronze (from the local lfs.)
Now the thing is, the tank decore hides more than it shows, which is, I think, how the cories and the cockatoo like it.
So here is the Atlantis Cory Tank:

This Brigi Apple snail has layed a nice clutch in this tank for me

The little bronze are the very boldest cories I have seen. I have 11 varieties of cories now, and the bronze are right out front and not easily startled into hiding when there is food to be had.