Hi trace1
If your corys are mature, they should spawn for you with little trouble, especially at this time of year. As you can see by looking at some of the recent threads, corys are responding to their biological clocks. It's rainy season (spring) in their native South America. What you want to do is try to make conditions similar to their natural environment. Nature will do the rest.
I like to set up a small tank ahead of time and move the corys into it. There I can feed them lots of blackworms, tubifex and/or bloodworms. This will help condition them and they will have more eggs forming.
I set it up by cloning a bigger tank. I take some gravel or sand, but just enough to cover the bottom, from it and some filter material which I put in a box filter. The filter you have in your tank will work fine too. You will need an air pump so you can add an airstone or two once the eggs are there. This is important.
After a week or two of conditioning them, I give them a big water change with water a little cooler than what I usually keep it at and unplug the heater. The water will be cool overnight and when I plug it in again it will warm. When I refill the tank, I like to leave the water level an inch or so from the top instead of filling it completely. Then, if they spawn there is room enough to clean the sand from it without overflowing the tank.
This is often all that is necessary to let bronze and albino corys know that the time is right. If they are ready they are likely to spawn within the next few days. If not, just leave them there and condition them some more. Give them about 2 weeks before trying a second time.
Good luck!