Cory Sterbai


Fish Addict
Jun 28, 2009
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Brighouse,West Yorkshire, UK
Iv got 8 discus, 2 angels, 5 plecs about 12 corys, tetra etc in my 400L discus planted community tank.

All the fish look and seem to be healthy apart from 1 cory sterbai.

Its got a slight bit of finrot on its dorsil fin and like a growth on its head to the left and these symptoms related?

i hade a problem a while back with the same thing. ( 1 of the corys started off as said above) then got really bad with it dorsil fin gone and white fluff all over its body, i treated with interpet finrot which lead to my tank dying off discus and angels un happy and gasping for air, tetras and corys dying of by the minute and plecs having burns on fins and sitting on the bottom upside down,

after several 50% WC over 5 days and carbon fitted i manged to save all the fish apart from 2 corys and 3 tetra. oh and all my giant vallis died.

since then my tank is booming, i want to treat the corys but dont want the same thing to happen again, it made me want to pack in fish keeping last time

after many posts it was the actual treatment that was killing them, and a few members said they had also had problems with that type.

can anyone help?
Hi there,

Sorry to hijack the thread, I like to think of it more like jumping on board of the thread. Just as I was about to post a topic I saw this one and though it was unneccesary to create a new one.

I have what appears to be a similar problem with one of my Corys a large white fluffy growth has appeared on the head of one of mine. I have a dodgy phone photo but it isn't very clear so I will try and get a better photo tomorrow. Can you get a photo of your poorly fish to see if it is the same problem as mine?
Well, i'm certainly no expert on these things, but what I would do is I would put the affected Cory into a hospital tank of it's own to prevent whatever is ailling him from spreading to the other fish and then I would use some sort of product for treating finrot on tropical fish (we used melafix on our Ryukin goldfish, and I know it's coldwater but just as a last resort Melafix might be a good idea, but somehow it bleached him and now he is completely white 0.0, just as a warning) and then once he gets better, I'd put him back in. And the thing on his head sounds like ich to me :( Well, Good Luck though, I hope this helped and good luck to your Cory as well!

He is in a 30L hospital tank using Myxazin fin rot and external bacteria.
2ml per day and im also changing 25% of the water every 2 days, as there is only an airstone in there

Toady is the 3rd day of treatment, not really seeing that much improvement,
also he is full of slime, which is also comming off him and its near/around his gills

also last night he was rubbing himself up and down the glass for ages

is this normal?

or should i do a WC wait 48hrs and treat for ich
Well, I'm not sure what the rubbing thing is, but If he is not improving I would probably do the WC and then treating for ich, because that's what'll kill him first. We treated our goldfish with Aquarisol when they got Ich just recently, it'll probably work for your Cory too, but I'm not sure if it's for all kinds of fish or just cold water. But if I were you, I would definitely look up Aquarisol since it works really quick and it's very efficient. Good luck again, and I hope your cory gets better soon :)
it sounds like a bacterial/fungus type infection to me almost certainly not ich...

dont keep chucking meds at the fish until you are 100% sure yout treating for the right disease as this will do more harm than good. although it sounds like you need to act fast to try and save him/her.

have you put a topic in emergencies im sure wilder can help you out :good:

also if you have no filter in the tank the cory is in i wouold be doing daily water changes not 25% every 2 days, the fresh water will be great for the fishes health and if no filter keeps ammonia levels down as he will still be eating and therefor pooing. i would also up the % to 50% a day.

dont forget that with every water change you are reducing the amount of meds in the tank that are trying to heal him so to keep the dose correct you need to replace any lost meds due to water changes etc...

i hope you can fix the poor cory, good luck.
Woke up this morning to find he had died.

as he was laid on his side he had a few lumps on his belly, first time i have seen this.
he was also covered in slime

iv got a book on basic fish health and meds etc, everything poinyed to external fungus/infection
Thats why i treated with Myxazin as its treatsfin rot, body rot, ulcers,cloudy eye. pop eye, raised veins, redness and other external bacteria

the fish was not eating at all, and i did not see any poo in the tank.
its strange because before i took him out of the main tank is was fine apart from what was on his body
Woke up this morning to find he had died.

as he was laid on his side he had a few lumps on his belly, first time i have seen this.
he was also covered in slime

iv got a book on basic fish health and meds etc, everything poinyed to external fungus/infection
Thats why i treated with Myxazin as its treatsfin rot, body rot, ulcers,cloudy eye. pop eye, raised veins, redness and other external bacteria

the fish was not eating at all, and i did not see any poo in the tank.
its strange because before i took him out of the main tank is was fine apart from what was on his body
sorry to hear you lost him.... :sad:
i had a cory that was active but had a large infected area on his head and when i removed him to a hospital tank he really went down hill and died a couple of days later. possibly down to the shock of the move, being alone and along with the infection just may have been too much for him.

i had a cory that was active but had a large infected area on his head and when i removed him to a hospital tank he really went down hill and died a couple of days later. possibly down to the shock of the move, being alone and along with the infection just may have been too much for him.

Yeah sounds the same as mine.

What is the average life span for a cory sterbai?
maybe it happened due to old age

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