Cory Sterbai and Gold Nugget Pleco


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
Just wondering if Corydoras Sterbai and Gold Nugget Plecos can be kept at a temperature of 80F?

I would love to get either (or both) of these fish for my 72G tank that will most likely be shared with a few Discus.
Hi jaywings19 :)

I'm not sure about the pleco, but I know you can keep sterbai with discus. One of the men who work at the lfs I go to breeds discus. I know he keeps sterbai in his tank. :nod:
Inchworm said:
Hi jaywings19 :)

I'm not sure about the pleco, but I know you can keep sterbai with discus. One of the men who work at the lfs I go to breeds discus. I know he keeps sterbai in his tank. :nod:
Thanks, Inch. You made my day. I'm more interested in the Sterbai anyway. It's hard to tell what's good or not because I'm finding conflicting information on the internet. Some websites say Sterbai between 72-77F... others have 74-82F. It can get really confusing. :blink:

Today, the guy at the LFS said Sterbai are fine with Discus at 79-82F... which confirms what you just said. Just gotta make sure... ya know? :nod:

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