Cory Spawning

Hi hughessomefish :)

I like to recommend either bronze or albino C. aeneus to anyone just starting out with corys. Once they are mature, if they are healthy and well fed, and the temperature is not too high, there is a very good chance of them spawning. :D
Hi hughessomefish :)

What kind of corys do you have? For many of them this is a bit on the warm side but you might get eggs a few days after you do a big water change, especially if you use cooler water to fill the tank.

Have you read the pinned topic about breeding them? It's a good starting place for basic information.
thanks inchworm,i have two green emerald coryies that what they called them at petco and i have one bronze cory i plan to get one more bronze cory or an albino one

an how cold should this water be and can my two neon tetras,mollie,guppies handle this

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