cory sensitivity?


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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i have a tank of 7 tiger barbs and 4 pepper corys
2 of the tiger barbs have swim bladder disease, and im worried that its bacterial so i have some medicine made to treat this.
will it be safe on the corys?
im pretty sure it wont hurt the other tiger barbs because some show mild signs of this, but im just worried it may hurt the corys, as i have heard not to use salt with them and wondered if this may stretch to water medication as well.
thank you sooo much in advance, i really dont wanna hurt my crazy little catfish, theyre some of my favourite that ive ever had!
Hi myfriendpeter :)

What kind of medicine are you using? :unsure: If I or one of the other members do not know, perhaps I might have information so that you can contact the manufacturer.
I don't wanna sound condescending but have you read the label thoroughly? Sometimes it has recommendations for how to treat tanks containing scaleless fish :)
it doesnt say how to treat scaleless fish, though ive heard from a friend who has loaches to just use half...i wanna be safe though. and you didnt sound condescending...heh
but its jungle brand fungus eliminator.
it labels just about every single fish sickeness on the back so it seems too good to be true...but its the only thing related to swim bladder disease at my LFS.
hmmm :/ All I can say is that last time I medicated, I used a half dose to protect my cories, but it said that on the bottle....

Does the bottle have an ingredients list?
yes, it contains sodium chloride, so salt basically :S
as well as nitrofurazone, furazolidone, and potassium dichromate.

(the sad part is i couldve written out that ingredients list as chemical formulas...heh)
geek ;)

k, my cunning plan was to see if it had any ingredient in common with teh med i have here and draw conclusions from that but mine doesn't have an ingredients list :rolleye: so much for that.

But it seems as it's made of salt (was it the first ingredient on the list?) that it would be wise to lower the dosage...

Edit: could you put the tiger barb in a quarantine tank? -_-
that wasnt an option before, but i set up an old 1gal of mine. poor guy, he seems to be getting better i hasnt been that long though.
now im just hoping my larger tank doesnt get infected.
water change!
Hi myfriendpeter :)

Quarantine is usually the best way to go whenever possible. I'm glad you have another tank for this.

Here's the link to contact Jungle Labs if you have questions about the treatment or their medications:

Please let me know how things turn out. :D
my poor guy didnt get better...i think in fact the problem was a bacterial or fungal infection as a result of a weakened immune system because of high nitrite levels..but we'll only know once i test.

sadly, wanda, passed away, with a plethora of symptoms, i felt bad for that little gal.

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