Cory Rabauti - Dead Within 24 Hours


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
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I went to the local aquatic shop and asked them for a scavenger, bottom feeder. I was told that the cory rabauti was a ideal fish, can live alone or part of a group and will get along with other fishes. So I bought one took it home and slowly introduced him, the correct way, into the tank. This was Friday evening and on Saturday night I received a text from my wife to say that the cory was upside down, bleeding from the gills and that the other fish was poking around it. So what could have happened?? I haven't been back to the shop yet for some answers, I thought i'd ask the experts (thats you lot!!)

Water Stats 0 - ammonia, 0 - Nitrite, 0.5 - Nitrate, 7.1 - ph, Temp - 28c

Fish - 1 female guppy, 4 neon tetra, 2 platties, 10 guppy babies and 5 mollie babies (both in seperate breeding traps)
Why is there a reading for nitrite??

I would also turn the temp down to around 24 as well if I were you
Honestly, I don't know much about corys. But part of the stress on the fish could have been the high temperature (as stated above), and perhaps the lack of other corys since they are schooling fish.

What substrate are you using?

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