Cory Question (:


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey everyone, I was looking on AB recently and found a person selling Corydora Sterbai's and I would really like to get some, so here is where the questions come in. How big do they get, approximately? Would I be able to keep them in the 10 gallon tank i'm about to setup? If yes, then how many would fit comfortably in a shoal with a few plants? Would the 10 gallon be a bad idea in the first place and should I just keep them in my 50 gallon? But the problem with the 50 gallon is that it has very large gravel, or would the Cories still be fine? And I was also thiinking of making the 10 gallon a cory only tank, if that helps at all. Thanks! :)

Hi miss.Original :)

C. sterbai are short but chunky. I have four of them in a ten gallon species tank but could fit two or even three more in there nicely. I'd rather see them in the small tank with a sand or fine gravel substrate than in a larger tank with larger substrate. :)

Okay, I'll definitely be keeping them in the 10 gallon tank then, thank you so much for the advice :)

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