Cory Question


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Hi cory lovers, I have been given 3 corys (I think they are pepper from what I have looked up) from what I have read these guys should be kept in a group of about 6, however the 3 I have are hardly ever together? I dont know whether they keep just loosing each other or they are just not "groupy" (cant think of a better word!). They are in a planted 300l tank with gourami's, angels, few tetra and pictus cats. Should I get 3 more?
Hi there

I only have 3 out of the original 6(3 died after i got them),and mine do go off separately then meet back up :) Ideally they would be better in a minimum shoal of 6,i havent got any more basically because my cories spawned and i have 8 growing fry and intend on keeping a few of these if they survive to adulthood :)

Good luck with yours :)
I can't stop adding to mine! 2 then 4 now 6 :) as Harlequin said, they go about their own thing and then meet up for a wonder sometimes. Love 'em! I always say this but research what temperature your corys require as some like it cool B-)
My sister started with 4 and lost one. The remaining 3 breed like rabbist and she currently has around 16 fry which she has raised and kept as well as a number she has farmed out to myself and our ma and many she has sold... They will be ok as a trio. They may be happier as a larger group, but its not mandatory. Also if they do spawn, with the tank heavily planted I would expect a couple to survive, even with the other fish you have in there.
Thanks everyone. I have 2 very fat ones and one slightly slimmer. i would post pict to ask if I have 2 females and a male but they are so darn quick and camera shy all I keep getting is a blurry blob lol. I am having a sneaky suspision they are 2 female and a male from the dancing up and down the glass the slimmer one keeps doing with the fatter ones!

Me thinks I will need luck lol

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