Cory problems


New Member
Apr 29, 2004
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One of my cory's is acting strangely: I looked into the tank earlier to find it lying on its back, breathing rapidly.
In a fit of panic I moved it into my hex so I could keep a closer eye on it. It started swimming again, but at the top of the tank with its head facing downwards. It is now sitting on a plant leaf against the side of the tank, completely verticle, with its head facing upwards, not moving at all.
I have no idea what is going on. About a month ago we lost our two Schwarzii's, one to swimbladder disease and the other two days later with persistent fungus.

The water parameters are:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10

I know my tank is very well stocked. I do 25% water changes twice weekly.
The tank has been cycled for nearly three months and the last fish were added two weeks ago.

I hope you can help.
It does sound like a swimbladder problem to me but I've never had any fish with it so I can't say for sure.
He died overnight :( and had a sort of pink colour on his sides. I think it was a problem with his swim bladder but how can I prevent it from happening to the others?
this happened to 2 of my corys recently.

i never found out what it was, but my other corys were never affected by it if it was some disease.......

if its swim bladder, they usually float upside down, or tend to go up to the surface, but mine were upside down but still stayed at the bottom.

it really bugs me too, and i know this didnt help, but yeah....
How often do you vac the gravel. If the only fish in the tank that are getting sick are your cories i would look at the substrate as a problem as this is where they are spending a great deal of their time (in between the rushes up and down the glass) :)
I clean the gravel when I do water changes (twice a week). I do a different section of the tank each time, an area of about 1/3 of the tank. I'll clean more or less if it would help.
You could clean more, but it seems that you are doing all the right things. It is odd for cories to die off like that unless they all go at once(usually happens if new and not properly acclimated to the tank). Hopefully someone can shed some light on this as i would also like to know if there is a pluasible explanation. watch your others carefully and good luck :)
I went to my lfs (who are very good) and took a sample of the water up, in case my test kits were off. But they got the same results as me.
I asked the lady there and she said that sometimes people just can't keep certain fish(this is my third cory death in the space of six weeks). Apparently she cannot keep rams in one of her home tanks and there is one tank in the store where they can't keep plecs.
I suppose it's just one of those things, but I'm going to keep a close eye on it anyway.

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