Cory Overload


May 19, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
Well, you from places other than Australia may laugh, but ive been having a devil of a time looking for various species of cories over here. And finally, with a new manager at my LFS who happens to be a catfish fiend, I now have access to some of the amazing breeds i see on this forum.

Heres a list to give you an idea:
Corydoras agassizii, Corydoras axelrodi , Corydoras panda, Corydoras sterbai (Jumbo, seriously these are the biggest cories ive ever seen, 2inches plus), Longfin Peppered, Bronze, Neon-Green Bronze, Gold Bronze, Brochis Splendens, Corydoras Similis, Albino Bronze, Albino Pepper.

Also having had a good chat to the manager, he's agreed to get in any species that he can if I request it, and has offered a per fish price on any cories I breed(10$ per).So im terribly excited, and starting to wonder if i can fit in another tank somewhere :drool: . As it stands ive got the similis, so ill have to see how i go with them.

On a side note, my Saulosi are currently keeping me pretty well even on keeping the tanks running: 3 females keeping me busy with load after load of fry, hopefully ill be successful in raising: im getting 5$ per fish. Now if i can just find a place to get a couple of female Neo. Brevis *giggles* and start breeding them(nobody has em in Aus atm), maybe i can afford that 55Gall for cories. :blush:
As I said elsewhere, HEY!

Weren't you breeding pandas. Or do I have the wrong Xebadir?
I had a couple of fish deaths, and the remaining 2 I sold with the little ones (15) to another breeder who was desperate for the pandas. I decided that my experiment with a non heated tank wasnt prudent for the little guys. So hence I traded for a trio of Similis and some other stuff(food and a couple of fish books i was looking for), who are taking the cooler tank water quite happily. I know this seems heartless but I couldnt cope to see any more of them die.
Of the cories you listed, C. axelrodi would be an excellent choice. I have 11 of them and they are very active and look very good. Ive had them for over a year now :good:

C. similis is another good one :good:
I'm from west aus, I have 4 metae, 1 reticulatus, 5 trilineatus, 3 rabauti, 4 leucomelas, 1 pepper and 6 pygmaeus.

I used to have 4 baby gold shoulders but they died due to a small nitrate spike.(I think.. they were always odd shaped anyways, Really Thin on the back half, this wasn't related to feeding.)

We can get quite a few over here.
Less now thought since steve at deep blue aquaria closed down.

Just with regards to your similis do you have a thread logging their breeding? Do you have any tips youve found for breeding success that differ from other cories? What sort of conditions do you keep yours in? I'm currently running mine in a 22C near neutral pH(bout 6.5), with a lowish hardness(for my pandas i found that lower mineral concerntration made them simple to breed).

Just with regards to your similis do you have a thread logging their breeding? Do you have any tips youve found for breeding success that differ from other cories? What sort of conditions do you keep yours in? I'm currently running mine in a 22C near neutral pH(bout 6.5), with a lowish hardness(for my pandas i found that lower mineral concerntration made them simple to breed).

Hey Xebadir,

I havent spawned mine yet. I got these from Frank (Coryologist) a while back and they were very young. I think they are close to being mature, but they havent starting spawning just yet. Now, Frank has spawned them a lot, because the 6 I got were fry from his breeding group. Maybe he can help you out on the breeding portion. Im sure he will tell you he does nothing special, but take great care of them like he does all his fish.

As for how I keep them, nothing really different then my other cories. They are not very picky. The temperature of the tank is around 74-75 degrees. Im not sure what the PH is, because I dont check it that often. I rely of doing weekly water changes and not over feeding them to control the PH.
I have a really good LFS that gave me his catfish ordering book. Those fish are interesting. Have you seen this website: It has quite alot of good corys on it. I havnt used it personally but will in the future.
Thanks a heap for pointing that one out to me, definitely havent seen it before.

He has soooo many beautiful i just need a tank to fit more. His pricings are all over the place though. But even better he has the Neo. Brevis ive been looking for. Unfortunately its 120$ for a 3cm fish, and no guarantee of a female for my little male. Kinda funny that i payed 15$ for my little guy.
Yeh I know what you mean. Check out the prices of sterbai, its really expensive for the "normal" corys that are around. But they have some unusual corys that arnt that easy to get in aus. If you get any fish from these guys could you please let me know. Thanks in advance

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