just need some advice here,
i have a spare 25 gal that isn't being used. And i saw a new shipment of Pygmy Cories at a lfs
I was wondering, how many pygmy's could i fit into a 25?
i was also wondering what other cories i could fit in?
i was thinking, 8 pygmys and 5 bigger cories(i.e Aeneus etc etc)
i'm going to plant it and give them lots of hiding spaces,
and if things get a bit dull at the top i could just add some Gourami.
Would this be alright?
any kind of suggestions would be greatly apreciated
just need some advice here,
i have a spare 25 gal that isn't being used. And i saw a new shipment of Pygmy Cories at a lfs
I was wondering, how many pygmy's could i fit into a 25?
i was also wondering what other cories i could fit in?
i was thinking, 8 pygmys and 5 bigger cories(i.e Aeneus etc etc)
i'm going to plant it and give them lots of hiding spaces,
and if things get a bit dull at the top i could just add some Gourami.
Would this be alright?
any kind of suggestions would be greatly apreciated