cory not well


Twiglet and Eeyore
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, UK

I got 5 cory metae...well it must have been about 3 weeks ago...yesterday I noticed one of my cories is behaving strange. He's mostly on his own, sits still most of the time and doesn't swim away when we walk past (which the others do).

He's also got lots of sand on him. I'm sure it's sand and not any fungus or anything like that. Almost like maybe he's producing extra mucus and the sand it sticking to his body? Also his 'whiskers' are more grey and short whereas all the others have really long white ones.

Any ideas?

Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, most corys get bacteria infection, as it sounds like your might have one, can you issolate him, he's not flicking and rubbing against objects is he, as mucas can be a parasite or bacteria infection, as his coloured altered.
Sorry hadn't tested water at time. I tested last night...
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates approx 20.
pH was 6.7 last night.

His colour seems fine, still nice black stripes and fins, but it's just his whiskers that seem browny coloured.

He's not flicking at all. He mostly just sits still and swims more slowly than the others. He's still eating though.

I can't isolate him in a separate tank.

All other fish are still happy and lively.
Cory's can get an infection in there whiskers, if you don't think the fish is behaving right, i would be inclined to add a bacteria med to the tank.

Just to let you know. I came home last night to find my Guppy had ripped it's tail off (that's another story) so I went out and bought Melafix for the Guppy and antibacterial meds for the cory. But I wasn't sure if it wise to add both. I took a decision and added the Melafix with another dose today (it says to do for 7 days).

Anyway, today my Guppy is still alive, but good news I think, my Cory no longer has sand stuck to him, he is shoaling with the others and is lots more active. And if I'm not mistaken I could swear it looks like there are whiter tips at the end of his whiskers...maybe they are growing new?

Glad to hear that, you can add melafix with the anti internal bacteriia med, as the internal med treats the inside of the fish and melafix treat the outside infection.
Really? Excellent. I shall do a dose tonight then to be on the safe side?

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