Cory Immune To White Spot?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey ppl,

Got a problem with white spot at the moment. All my fish have white spot except my corys. I read something a while ago about a type of fish immune to white spot i was thinking maybe it was about corys. Any ideas? Im sure for the stupid question. They are peppers and sterbai by the way.

I was once told on there forums that Corys don't get white spot. I'm sure someone knowledgeable will be able to confirm if that is correct or not.
They aren't immune to whitespot, but like a lot of armoured catfish (callichthyids, loricariids, and doradids) it is much more difficult for whitespot to "get a hold" on their bodies than other fishes. So whitespot tends to develop on them more slowly than on other fish in the aquarium, and may even be unnoticeable by the time you've treated the tank because of whitespot you've seen on your tetras, guppies, or whatever.

Cheers, Neale

PS. Don't hang about treating your tank. The sooner, the better. There is something known as "super whitespot" doing the rounds. It may be a completely different parasite, and seems to take multiple treatments to eradicate. I've found eSHa Exit works very well on it.
Ive started treating really early. I know wat u mean nmonks, ive noticed in 1 of my tanks with blue rams and corys that the blue rams have white spot and the corys dont. Ive studied every cory in the tank to see if they have any white spot on them at all and they dont have anything. Will keep them on medication because it might still be in the water. Thanks for everyones help

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