Cory Id?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
i got landed with these two corys, both albinos, before i was really ready for them (they're in temporary accommodation at the moment) but what kind of albino cory? or is only one or two types come in albino form? i suspect bronze cory, those are the most common right?


excuse me for being a dunce!!
the albino cory is the albino aeneus, but in looking for them i also found them list as albino paleatus so not 100% which 1 is right hth :D
Yep those are an albino variety of c. aenus and they are one of the most common also, i have a couple and they are the most active cories i have, so much fun to watch! I have some fry which should be a mixture of bronze and albino so hopefully i can get another tank to keep a few! Im sure you will enjoy them! :D
Hi catxx :)

How are the albino corys doing? They should have settled in nicely by now. :thumbs:

Far and away the most common albino on the market is the C. aeneus, but there are also a few C. paleatus around too. There are also albino C. sterbai, but these are quite rare.

Most of the albinos sold are C. aeneus, so I would assume that's what they are, unless you have some particular reason to believe otherwise. :D
pretty sure they're just the run-of-the-mill bronze albino cory

and they're fine! completely insane!
fighting it out with neons at the moment until their new tank is cycled
had to move my betta out of the tank, they were a little too mad for him, he couldn't keep up!

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