Cory Id Help


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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Hey all,
I have one cory right now that I bought labeled as a Spotted Cory. I didn't think too much of it until I went to get some buddies for him and they were out. So I went to another LFS and they had "spotted" corys that looked very different from mine. So I am a bit confused. I Personally thought that is was either a julii or reticulated. If anyone could help identify him, I would appreciate it, scientific name would be great too! I also have no idea how to get pictures on my posting, so he is in my profile picture, hopefully its not too small to see... But I got a pic from the internet that looks pretty darn close to mine.

It doesn't look like a Reticulated cory to me, as they don't have the line on the side. Here's a picture: C. reticulatus.

Also, Julii cories are pretty rare and would be really expensive if they were true Juliis. IMO I believe you have C. trilineatus, sometimes called "False Julii" cories. C. trilineatus, another.

Julii cories have spots that are closed together: Julii. So I can tell by the picture in your profile, that its not a Julii. :)

You should get more cories, as they like to be kept in groups.
Your cory is a Trilineatus. I have 5 of them and 3 fry. Often mislabeled at Juli cories. Hopefully you will be able to find some more. As JustOneMore21 said, they need to be in a group, at least 4.

Nice pic. Looks like one of my nice eggy girlies.

Thanks! Those were great helps. Looks like its a Trilineatus, that's good to know. I know they need more, the petshop just had one when I got him, and never any more since! I am desperately searching but can't find the same species. It is sort of a bummer. I thought about ordering some online, but shipping is way expensive. Well, wishing me luck in finding more Trilineatus. Thanks again.
Have asked your LFS to order you some in? If this was the only one left, they shouldn't have any problems selling more.

Good luck and hope you get some soon. They are very cute cories and give you loads of pleasure.

They are fab, my two are very bold, they also love to chill with my bandit cory. Have fun.

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