Cory Id Help Please


New Member
May 4, 2009
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new forest
Hi There

I bought some more corys today. The LFS had them labelled as something weird beginning with a Z something like Zongolus I really cant remember. But having had a look online I can't find them. They look a bit like the false bandit but mine have more spots on them. Anyways here's a pic the best I could get atm.


Just wondering if they are the false bandit? Very Confused hehehe

Mel x
Hi mellychops :)

The only cory I know of that starts with a Z is C. zygatus, and it's definately not one of those. Could it have been C. loxozonus? (That has a z in it, anyway.) Maybe Coryologist will come by and identify it for you. It would help if you could get a better picture, one that shows the entire fish. :D;species_id=779
Hi mellychops :)

The only cory I know of that starts with a Z is C. zygatus, and it's definately not one of those. Could it have been C. loxozonus? (That has a z in it, anyway.) Maybe Coryologist will come by and identify it for you. It would help if you could get a better picture, one that shows the entire fish. :D


Ohhh you know it might have been C. loxozonus LOL I should have written it down :lol:

Of to try to take a better pic Thank you hun

Mel x



These were the best I could get they don't seem to want to be photographed :lol: The more I think about it I'm sure it was C. loxozonus LOL

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