Cory Hybrids?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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I have three pairs of corys in my tank. 2x julii, 2x bronze lazer and 2x schwartzi.

They normally live in a group of six, but one of the schwartzi's is pairing up with one of the bronze lazers, and one of the jullii's has T'd a cpuple of times with the other schwartzi.

The lazer x schwartzi generated egg's, but weren't fertilised, and the jullii x schwartzi haven't done anything much yet.

Would anyone know what I would end up with with these crosses? Should I keep the fry, or would it be better to get rid of them?


Im not a cory expert but i do know that not all species can just cross, some are completely different genetically.

Corydoras aeneus - Bronze/Bronze Lazers
Corydoras schwartzi - schwartzi
Corydoras julii - julli

So i guess all of yours can cross, im not sure anyone can tell you what you'll get thogh as crossing corys is pretty uncommon. You got me interested now thogh :D iv done a little research and this is what i have come up with.


Heres a hybrid of some sort, i couldn't find out anything about its parents thogh :(


This is a panda hybrid of some sort, the sites these come off of are real crappy so they arnt telling me much :angry:

Try this link, it lists all the differant species...well the 100 most common anyway
So far nothing has happened. No more eggs and no fry.

However, the jullii and schartzi often ( maybe once every ten days ) go into the t-position as though they are TRYING to breed.

Would you think that there is to much genetic seperation for anythingg viable to actually be created?

Im not sure, id expect some species to not be able to cross, but the ones you have should. have your tried conditioning them and setting up and seperate breeder tank? that would get some action for sure. GL
Im not a cory expert but i do know that not all species can just cross, some are completely different genetically.

Corydoras aeneus - Bronze/Bronze Lazers
Corydoras schwartzi - schwartzi
Corydoras julii - julli

So i guess all of yours can cross, im not sure anyone can tell you what you'll get thogh as crossing corys is pretty uncommon. You got me interested now thogh :D iv done a little research and this is what i have come up with.


Heres a hybrid of some sort, i couldn't find out anything about its parents thogh :(


This is a panda hybrid of some sort, the sites these come off of are real crappy so they arnt telling me much :angry:

Try this link, it lists all the differant species...well the 100 most common anyway

Thats a spotted cory. Corydoras agassizii Link to planet catfish

They are one of hte hardiest of the corydoras.

I'm getting a brown hoplo soon lol. Those are like giant corydoras

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