Fish Crazy
Hi guys I recently posted about a cory death
Well I did only have one Sterbai cory after the death so I went to the LFS and got some more. The guy said in the store that different cory types will hang out together so I mixed them up, and I came away with:
1 Sterbai (the only one left!)
2 Longfinned bronze corys (had never seen or heard of them b4, AWESOME fish!)
2 Jullie
Well thay have been in the tank for 2 days now and I am bit concerned because they have all seperated into different groups and the new sterbai completley ignores the old one and they hang out by themselves. Is this something yo worry abourt or should I just give them time to "get to know each other"? Also the corys don't recognise the sinking tablets Im feeding them as food...anything I can do to help that?? Sorry for so many questions!!

1 Sterbai (the only one left!)
2 Longfinned bronze corys (had never seen or heard of them b4, AWESOME fish!)
2 Jullie
Well thay have been in the tank for 2 days now and I am bit concerned because they have all seperated into different groups and the new sterbai completley ignores the old one and they hang out by themselves. Is this something yo worry abourt or should I just give them time to "get to know each other"? Also the corys don't recognise the sinking tablets Im feeding them as food...anything I can do to help that?? Sorry for so many questions!!