Cory group


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi guys I recently posted about a cory death :byebye: Well I did only have one Sterbai cory after the death so I went to the LFS and got some more. The guy said in the store that different cory types will hang out together so I mixed them up, and I came away with:
1 Sterbai (the only one left!)
2 Longfinned bronze corys (had never seen or heard of them b4, AWESOME fish!)
2 Jullie

Well thay have been in the tank for 2 days now and I am bit concerned because they have all seperated into different groups and the new sterbai completley ignores the old one and they hang out by themselves. Is this something yo worry abourt or should I just give them time to "get to know each other"? Also the corys don't recognise the sinking tablets Im feeding them as food...anything I can do to help that?? Sorry for so many questions!!
My peppered cory died yesterday, :-( i had a two different kindsa cory, they sometimes hung around together but not always. Now they seem to pal around more often, usually though the different species ive seen group up... don't know why yours don't. I'd give them a week or two but i don't think it's anything to worry about. Mine used to love algae tablets until i moved them onto different food. They didn't eat them for a while when i changed back but they are now, give them time or chuck in some bloodworm, never seen cory's that dont eat that :D
Word "cory" doesn't mean that every cories shoal together, from where did your lfs find that thing, that those all cories shoal together? Similar kind of cories will do that - even some cories shoal with some tetras!

When cories eat, they usually are going to somewhere all the time - if they find some huge pile of food, they probably stay only few second near it eating from that pile, but still they move on... So, if you see cories that are not "interested" in tablets, it's normal. When they find it, they probably taste it/eat it, but they move on and it looks like they don't eat those tablets at all.

Because they like to plough bottom by their muzzle looking some nice worms from soil, it's good to drop some granules (small size of food) that sink everywhere on bottom. When cories are ploughing, they occassionally find something what they can eat too. If you have gravel (big grains) on bottom, cories don't like to plough so much and if you add some granules to your tank, this food sink into the bottom and only spoil water. From time to time it would be great if you can feed them with worms (e.g. frozen).
:p hmm, usually the cories will eat the flakes first (for me) then they will go for the tablets all night and it'll be gone the nxt day u look at the tablet, btw could it be that it's a algae tablet and not the bottom feeder sinking warfers? i buy those hikari sinking warfers for my cories and they like it! :D
I have 2 bronze cories, 1 long fin bronze, and 1 green brochis (a genus similar to corydoras) in the SA tank, and they school together; but not constantly! My friend's panda, bronze, and julii school together.

Some corydoras species are more independent than others. Sterbai is one of the more independent species. The two I have in the 5 gal hang out on and off. They enjoy exploring alone too.

I've seen C. Gossei and C. Similis at a local display tank. The similis stick to each other, and the gossei don't shoal at all! :blink:

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