Cory Got Stuck In Bogwood!


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I turned on my lights this morning to find one of my adult skunk corys had become wedged in a hole of the bogwood!! :shout:

I lifted up the wood to try and free it,but at first it didn't bunge,so i drained off some tank water in a bucket,ready to try and cut the wood to release it,i was just lifting the wood up again and after a few wiggles it did managed to get itself out...

I just hope it hasn't hurt itself,i'm sure it must have grazed its body has theres rough bits inside the hole.

So word of warning be careful of small holes in bogwood,especially if you have fat daft cories!! :rolleyes:

I have now filled the hole with a moss ball...
Aww poor lil guy! Obviously you'll be watching him like a hawk the next couple of weeks, but i wouldnt worry too much. One of my equally daft fat corys decided to swim through a terracotta ring, well, tried to....the pliers had to come out :rolleyes: She was fine though :)
Oh no!

My Pygmys like the holes in my bogwood. I find it strange coz one of my peices is full of holes and flakes off a bit and the other is smooth and doesn't flake. Must be different woods I guess.

Is there anything you can givr her to prevent an infection?
:crazy: [sub](checks bogwood in his tank)[/sub]
Lol my comon plec got stuck in a coconut cave the other week and then yesterday I caught him trying to get in again. These fish never learn.
Aww silly cory!

One of my clown loaches got himself fully wedged in an ornament... when I was on holiday >.< When I came home I had to take a hammer and chisel to it - being VERY careful of the stuck fish!

Dopey fish...

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