Cory Fry


New Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Lancashire, UK
Hi All, I've found 2 cory fry in my main tank, which I've managed to net out. They're now in my 35l shrimp breeding tank but I'm not sure how long they'll be able to stay in there. The tank has been up and running since mid Jan so it's well cycled with live plants, moss and a sand substrate. There's currently 60+ shrimp with a small internal filter, will the fry be ok in there for a couple of months? I have no idea what their growth rate is.
I would say that's ideal for a couple of fry for that period. All fry need top quality water, though, so I'd suggest going to twice-weekly water changes, if not three times per week.
What kind of shrimp are they?
Thanks Lock man, I usually do a water change twice a week on that tank, but must confess to letting it slide a little. With all the young shrimp in there it takes ages checking the water I've taken out etc. I did a water change a few days ago before putting them in, I'll do another later.
Hi eagles, they're red cherry, bumble bee and green.
I've heard of RCS going well with fry, not sure of the others though.  They should all be small enough to coexist with the fry nicely.

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