Cory Fry!


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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My post about finding eggs is still on this page,

but anyways I now have three newborn (As of like 5 min ago) Panda cory fry!
I have them set up in my breeding trap, as that's where I put the eggs when I found them. I know its not ideal but it is keeping them away from the other fishies who would love to eat them.

I've read a few guides on how to care for fry, it's basically like caring for live bearer fry I gather. Clean tank, small food, some shelter for them to hide in and they're pretty well set.

I was wondering if there were any pointers people could give me, like exactly what is the best food? Should I move them to a different tank? I don't really have a different tank to put them in so I sort of intended on letting them stay in the breeding trap.

But I'm super excited!! :)
Awh!! Good luck with them! I'm sure you'll raise some happy & healthy cories! :p
Food wise for the newly hatched fry you can use liquid fry but sparingly it can really make a mess of a tank. I often give my cory fry finely ground tropical flakes which I swirl in the water to make them sink to the bottom of the breeding net the fry are in, as well as catfish and algea wafers that I let soften before adding to the fry. The best food by far I think is giving the fry some moss or other water plants from the parents tank which will usually have some biofilm/ mircoscopic plants/ amimals that the fry can and will eat.

Good liuck with the eggs

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