Cory Fry


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2008
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I have a pair of bronze corys which had laid eggs and by the time I got to the eggs many had been eaten.

Out of the eggs that remained I managed one fry which is now just over a 1/4" long,the colouring on it seems very much like a peppered cory.

Do they change to their bronze colour as they get older?

Thank you

may i ask what you are feeding the little cory on? ive tried hatched brine shrimp but they still seem to die :(
Hi Spishkey,

may i ask what you are feeding the little cory on? ive tried hatched brine shrimp but they still seem to die

All I have done is crush up a small piece of those sinking pellets ( shrimp flavour) in between two spoons untill it is like a powder and then put a very small amount in to feed the fry( allowing I only have one fish).

It seems to do well on that.

Good luck.

the "bronze" color will come as it matures. its usually best to remove cory eggs, they apparently taste good to fish.
may i ask what you are feeding the little cory on? ive tried hatched brine shrimp but they still seem to die :(

The brine shrimp are too big for the new fry to eat. Crush tablets or flake food into a fine powder, soak in water for a bit then use an eye dropper or pipette to deliver the 'soup' to the bottom of the tank. At the beginning I use Hilari First Bites also soaked. Siphon off what they don't eat after an hour or so. Feed em 2 - 3 times a day. Keep the bottom clean with daily water changes(you do use a bare bottom tank, don't you?). Keep the air stone circulating the water. And pray ;-)

Good luck.
Nearly all juvenile corys show the same markings, they start showing more specific markings as they grow.

newly hatched bbs can be too large for new fry... usually after a week -10 days they are ok.

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