Cory Fry Doing Well :)


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
im happy to say i have around 100 fully formed peppered cory fry :D that was from the first 2 days of laying.........BUT the second and third batch i collected didnt do too well im afraid. second batch hatched and were ok as far as i could tell, i put the third batch in and they also hatched, 2 days later there was no movement at all, i looked and looked, left it another day, feeding the second batch on day 3 in case they were in there and still nothing. i could just about make out there carcases on the sand :-(

im not sure what went wrong! i used sand instead of gravel, temp was the same as the 2ft tank with the 1st batch, same heater, same airstone etc etc....

anyway, we learn as we go along :good:

so yeah, 100 cory fry!!! im pleased with how well they are doing, im feeding ground flake, ground up blood worm and i popped in a tniy bit of ground cat pellet and they seem to love it :good: its amazing how they act like there parents, they have exactly the same antics as soon as they are free swimming, they are like a herd of cows :lol:

i will add some pics tomorrow sometime if i can get them to stay still :lol:
sounds great,congratulations...look forward to piccys :good:

if you can look on ebay for deshelled brineshrimp eggs...its brilliant stuff,only a couple of quid and lasts forever, ive done four batches from day 1 to chopped prawns with my channa....and it does not smell or go off in a few days like freshly hatched brine :good:

oh yeah and it sinks
Hi plecostomus-mad :)

If you could give us a little more information, we might be able to give you some suggestions that would help.
Hi plecostomus-mad :)

I don't understand what tanks you are keeping your fry in and how you have been maintaining them. Is it a newly set up tank that you moved them to? What is the temperature? Anything at all might suggest something to one of the members about why these fry are not doing well.

Have you given the new fry a chance to develop? It might take a few days before they start moving around and becoming active.

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