catfish wafers as staple diet, peas or spinach once a week (at least), bloodworm or brine shrimp as a weekly treat. have just been giving them catfish pellets as a holiday food (my holiday, not theirs), but don't think they liked it much.
I like to feed my corys a varied diet with lots of meaty foods.
High on the list are live blackworms and tubifex worms, and occasionally frozen bloodworms. They get a good amount of freeze dried tubifex too.
I also give them a good, high protien flake food and once in a while, spirulina discs for a vegetable. I find them easier and less messy than putting people food in the tank and the corys love them.
I usually feed my albino cories a Hikari Sinking Wafer after I turn the lights out. When I try to feed them during the day my betta and rasboras bully in and eat the cories food even after they eat their own food.
I also prematurely sink a little Hikari Tropical Flake so it floats to the bottom. My betta and rasboras for some reason aren't interested in this.