Cory Food


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
i was disgusted at the price of cory food today in the lfs (i will buy some eventually as it contains the nutrients they require)

in the mean time ive made my own cory food to ensure food allways reaches the bottom of the tank (the minnows leave very little they hunt like a pack of sharks when theres food around)

anyway i feared the cory's werent getting the food they needed so i resorted to making my own :hey:

simple cheap and they love it all you need is a small ammount of water and a small amount of goldfish flakes mix the 2 together until you have a jelly like paste, spread this out onto something flat about 5mm thick and leave to dry (i suppose you could bake it) once dry break up into managable sized pieces and drop into your tank,

one cory imediatly started sifting through the sand around it then whent barmy when he/she stumbled upon it then the second realised it was food and so war broke out, ill have to get used to adding just enough so the bottom of the tank isnt littered with un eaten food (and yes i will buy specific cory food for them the next time i visit the lfs)

id love to show you all a picture but my camera is broken :(
What can i say: i spoil my cories completely: Shrimp pellets, algal wafers(the love these with a passion) and cucumber(just denature it a little). They are healthy happy and veritably bouncing.

Mind you: I do in general spoil my fish: I have A standard flake, Liverbearer Flake, BBS frozen, Live Brine shrimp adults as a treat, Algal tablets(my platies love these too), Shrimp pellets, and a floating pellet food as well. Plus they get the occasional bit of cucumber.

Anyway, goodluck ;)

NB: forgot the spirulana wafers for the cories too, they actually fight over these.
wow they love this stuff one of the bronze ones was resting it came to feeding time so i dropped a small piece of the food into te tank which landed a few inches from him/her at which point it furiously started sifting through the snad until he/she found it

ive found another of my lfs sells specific cory food at half the price of where i originally saw it :D
i put one small peice in when im about to leave for college and a slightly larger piece in at around 6pm and the night feed is like feeding time at the you can see


all 4 corys feast away fighting over it even the minnows venture to the bottom of the tank to scavenge

I periodically feed my fish tubifex worms and when some of it falls to the bottom, my corys go crazy over the worms. I;ve even seen two corys try to eat the same worm, it's hilarious!!
My albino cory jus eats the flakes that fall to the bottom, that the others dont mop up. Is this ok, or should I buy specific food for them?
They will scavange, but you shouldn't just rely on this to feed them. They need a balanced diet and will readily eat bloodworm - I also feed catfish pellets as these sink to the bottom and I have also seen them eat the sinking food I put in for the tetra's.
They will scavange, but you shouldn't just rely on this to feed them. They need a balanced diet and will readily eat bloodworm - I also feed catfish pellets as these sink to the bottom and I have also seen them eat the sinking food I put in for the tetra's.

What brand pellet do you recommend?

I've also believe they can be feed cucumber, how long should it be left in the tank? and does it have to be a chunky piece to allow it to sink to the bottom?
It should be taken out in 24 hours and you can weigh it down with a lead weight like a aquatic plant one.
They will scavange, but you shouldn't just rely on this to feed them. They need a balanced diet and will readily eat bloodworm - I also feed catfish pellets as these sink to the bottom and I have also seen them eat the sinking food I put in for the tetra's.

What brand pellet do you recommend?

I've also believe they can be feed cucumber, how long should it be left in the tank? and does it have to be a chunky piece to allow it to sink to the bottom?

Odds are cories will not eat the cucumber. They will investigate it at first and thats about it. Cories are not big vegetable eaters, but they will eat algae wafers readily. They like them because the wafers have more then just algae in them, they also have other nutrients the cories need and like.

I feed mine a variety of frozen blood worms, tubifex worms, algae wafers, spirulla disks, Hikari sinking wafers and of course a good quailty flake food. They get the worms maybe once or twice a week. They get flake food and algae wafers every day.
They will scavange, but you shouldn't just rely on this to feed them. They need a balanced diet and will readily eat bloodworm - I also feed catfish pellets as these sink to the bottom and I have also seen them eat the sinking food I put in for the tetra's.

What brand pellet do you recommend?

I've also believe they can be feed cucumber, how long should it be left in the tank? and does it have to be a chunky piece to allow it to sink to the bottom?

Odds are cories will not eat the cucumber. They will investigate it at first and thats about it. Cories are not big vegetable eaters, but they will eat algae wafers readily. They like them because the wafers have more then just algae in them, they also have other nutrients the cories need and like.

I feed mine a variety of frozen blood worms, tubifex worms, algae wafers, spirulla disks, Hikari sinking wafers and of course a good quailty flake food. They get the worms maybe once or twice a week. They get flake food and algae wafers every day.

Are the wafers supposed to float or sink, because she doesnt seem to be interested in it seeing as its floating at the top?
it has to sink.

I highly reccomend feeding on a corydoras catfish pellet food. (Speacially designed for just cories)

Algae wafers are good once a week, but not every day.

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