Cory Expert Needed!


Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Essex UK
i moved my two albino corys to a new home (50L) it was cycled using filter media from an established tank and has wood and plants from that tank also. first i added the glolights, shrimp and asssassins and after a couple of days the corys. i then added three new albino corys (babies) one died tho i dont know why it looked furry and because of its size and colour i didnt notice at first. i medicated with interpet anti fungal and finrot but it didnt make it. right after that i noticed my oldest cory going golden, lost a barbel and then started to get streaks in its fins. after a few water changes to get rid of the last meds i medicated with interpet internal bacteria meds and the prob has just got worse. fins are really bloody and now ragged and dissappearing (just this one fish) ive been doing regular water changes, the water stats are fine - temp 25/26, ph is high around 7.8. ammonia 0.25 which is the same as my tap water and what they have lived in for 7 months, nitrite 0, nitrate 10/20ppm. do you think the higher ph in this tank is making the ammonia effects worse? so today i cleaned all the glass, trimmed all the plants and got every last bit of debris out, cleaned the sand, swished it, lifted the wood and cleaned under there. added a few more shrimp to keep tidy, did a 50% water change and started a course of maracyn two. is this right? should i be doing anything else? this is my first fish and my favourite. my other corys are fine, even laying eggs allover the place. although i did see a red streak in one of the babies fins :/ im guessing this med will kill my filter so i'll prob have to reseed it when the course is done? im also going to return the glolights when the meds are done, will this help the filter get back on its feet? thanks


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no idea on what it could be but if your filter is cycled then it should easily get rid of that ammonia, it should be 0 at all times
so it should change the ammonia in the tap water to nil... god im dim! well the test was after a water change so i'll check tomorrow and it should be 0 then. tbh i cant read those test results too well!
Almost certainly ammonia poisoning at work and yes your filter should be able to nullify it within a very short period of time.
Could well be scepticiemia. Best asking for advice in the emergency forum. But in the meantime; daily large water changes.

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