cory eggs


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
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I woke up this morning to find lots of little groups of eggs stuck to the sides of the glass tank.
I have the following egg laying fish

2 angel fish, 5 neon tetras, 2 chocolate gouramis; 1 panda cory, 2 ghost corys (I think they are a pare as one is a lot bigger than the other, and they are always together) and one marble molly.

I think they are eggs, they are little white balls stuck together in clumps. Half of them have been eaten but I was wondering

a - if this is cory breeding style

b - what to do if it happens again - how to stop other fish eating them

Thanks :-(
possibly either cory or angels. How big are the eggs? If you don't want the other fish to eat them then you better remove them.
how do you remove them without killing them, and also what into? Can you put them into a breeding thing - you know the things you buy that go inside your tank for fry?

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