Cory Eggs


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
My cory just layed like 8 eggs on a plant leaf, iv removed the whole leaf with the eggs on it in a cup. shes layed eggs before but this is the first time i caught her in the act and this time i wanna c if i can raise them. what should i do to get them to hatch? These are bronze corys, and the male is albino, any help would be nice.

how long does it take them to hatch?

any special water conditions?

should i expect more eggs soon?
I would definitely expect more eggs.

I'm not sure about the concentration, but you should add methylene blue or some other dye/ antifungal meds in order to prevent fungus. You could also keep the eggs in a dark place until they hatch.

Sorry I can't help with anything else. :/
Hi GuppyDude :)

It's hard to raise any kind of fry without being prepared for them ahead of time. :( But with corys, there will be another chance in a few weeks. By then, you can have another tank ready for them to spawn in and where the fry will be safe while they are growing up.

Here's a link to another thread that has a description of the breeding setup that I use;

This will give you some starting place to think about breeding them. In the meanwhile, I strongly suggest that you get a few more corys to make your school a bit bigger. Ideally, there should be two males for each female to insure the best fertilization of the eggs, but you will also find that they will be happier if they are in a larger group. :D
its a bit late now, she did have mor and iv got like 20 some of the 40 she layed. she ate a bunch of um herself -_- some are begining to get fungus on them but a couple others still seem to be growing, i guess i juts see what happens ;) i accually wasn't trying to breed my corys, they juts did, its not something i wanna get into but im willing to give anything a try :D thanx for the info inchworm and temps, im going to add some blue meth, i dont know why i didn't do that b4 -_-

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